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Lagna Nakshatra Importance

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Marriage Muhurat 2021 - This write up consists of the list of Marriage Muhurat dates falling in the year 2021. These Marriage Muhurat 2021 dates are taken out with the help of Hindu Panchang.

  1. Lagna Nakshatra Importance Meaning
  2. Lagna Nakshatra Importance Characteristics

The Sun is also exalted. Lagna receives the support of karak planet Saturn in 10th house in own sign and also forms sasa yoga. Venus lord of 2nd and 7th house is exalted in 12th house Pisces with 9th and 12th lord Jupiter, and Ketu. These boost Lagna, Lagna lord and other planets located there, besides giving a religious and humanitarian approach.

  • Oct 22, 2013 The most important nakshatra of the natal chart is one's Moon nakshatra which represents our mind, intuition and emotional self. The deity will express the quality of a person's thinking and explain their internal processing, while the symbol and planetary rulership further refines its potential. Below is a basic understanding of each.
  • Hi, In my humble opinion/understanding Lunar Constellation or Nakshatra placement of Udaya Lagna is very important. In reality, most knowledgeable folk seem to give much more importance to the Lunar Constellation or Nakshatra placement of Moon/Chandra, perhaps due to unclear definition of what actually constitutes a birth (from a timing perspective) and/or non-reliability and inaccuracy of.
  • The Lagna degree is an important measure of the strength of the Lagna. While the degree of the Lagna has no effect on the strength of the Lagna it is very important in judging the result of a Dasha. Though a planet may be in Mrit Avastha it might give a good result if it is near the Lagna degree.
  • Lagna is the first house among the 12 houses in Vedic Astrology. Sun is at the centre of Lagna. The sun determines which zodiac sign will be in a particular position at a given point of time. Therefore, watch the sun and you will know what your Lagna/ ascendant is. Lagna in Astrology.

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Marriage : Importance of the Ceremony

In the arena of Hindu religion and culture, marriage or Vivah happens to be a very crucial ceremony which holds great importance in the life of a man and a woman. It is that crucial phase in a person's life which brings out some important alterations not only in the life of women but men too. The Sanatan Dharma or religion talks about the existence of 16 Sanskars, out of which marriage happens to the 13th and one of the most special Sanskar. Hence, it is of utmost necessity to calculate an auspicious Muhurat to get this ceremony conducted.

Now coming to the meaning of the ceremony, then the literal meaning of marriage in particular is a man and a woman carrying out responsibilities towards one another. In simple words, it can be said that marriage is basically an execution of one's responsibilities. In Hinduism, the holy union of marriage is also known as 'Panigrahan Sanskar'. As we have already said, this Sanskar is a very important rite associated with the life of every man and woman, hence it is very significant to conduct this ceremony in accordance with an auspicious Muhurat.

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Marriage Muhurat 2021

In this article on Marriage Muhurat 2021, we will give away the details of each and every Tithi during which you can conduct your marriage ceremony auspiciously. So, if you are planning to get married in 2021 and wish to know the Marriage Muhurat 2021 details, then you can get your queries solved here in this article. Along with this, we will also provide you with some detailed info and some other relevant information in this article. This will prove to be a great help to you in selecting a Muhurat of your choice and convenience in 2021. This write up also includes day, date, Tithi, Nakshatra and Moon sign for the Lagna Muhurat.

The Auspicious Marriage Muhurat 2021 Manual

In the year 2021, the auspicious Marriage Muhurats will begin from the month of April as the Guru Asht(Jupiter combust) Dosha will begin from 17 January onwards and conclude on 14 February. Along with this, Venus will also remain in a combust mode from 8 Feb and remain in this state until 12 April. In such a situation, due to Guru Ast Dosha and Shukra(Venus) Ast Dosha, the Marriage Muhurat period in the year 2021 will start from the 24th of April.

Marriage Muhurat 2021 for April
Date Day Month -Tithi Nakshatra Duration Moon Sign
24 April , 2021 Saturday Chaitra Shukla Dwadashi Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 06:22 - 08:11 Leo
25 April , 2021 Sunday Chaitra Shukla Trayodashi Hasta - Chitra Nakshatra 08:49 - 25:54 25:54 - 28:22 29:34 - 29-45 Virgo
26 April , 2021 Monday Chaitra Shukla Chaturdashi Chitra - Swati Nakshtra 05:45 - 12 :44 22:54 - 24:15 24:15 - 29:44 Virgo - Libra
27 April , 2021 Tuesday Chaitra Purnima Swati Nakshatra 05:44 - 20:12 Libra
30 April , 2021 Friday Chaitra Krishna Chaturthi Mool Nakshatra 12:55 - 29:41 Sagittarius
Marriage Muhurat 2021 for May
Date Day Month -Tithi Nakshatra Duration Moon Sign
01 May, 2021 Saturday Chaitra Krishna Panchami Mool Nakshatra 05:41 - 10:15 Sagittarius zodiac sign
02 May, 2021 Sunday Chaitra Krishna Sashti Uttarashada Nakshatra 08:59 -14:50 26:10 - 29:39 Sagittarius zodiac sign
03 May, 2021 Monday Chaitra Krishna Saptami Uttarashada Nakshatra 05:39 - 08:22 Capricorn zodiac sign
04 May, 2021 Tuesday Chaitra Krishna Ashtami Dhanishta Nakshatra 15:14 - 29:01 Capricorn - Aquarius zodiac sign
07 May, 2021 Friday Chaitra Krishna Ekadashi Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 20:41 - 29:35 Pisces zodiac sign
08 May, 2021 Saturday Chaitra Krishna Dwadashi Uttara Bhadrapada - Revati Nakshatra 05:35 - 14:47 14:47 - 17-21 Pisces zodiac sign
15 May, 2021 Saturday Vaishakh Shukla Tritiya Mrigashira Nakshatra 05:31 - 08:39 Gemini zodiac sign
21 May, 2021 Friday Vaishakh Shukla Navami Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 15:22 - 21:08 Leo zodiac sign
22 May, 2021 Saturday Vaishakh Shukla Dashami Uttara Phalguni - Hasta Nakshatra 05:27 - 14:05 14:05 - 20:04 Virgo zodiac sign
23 May, 2021 Sunday Vaishakh Shukla Ekadashi Hasta - Chitra Nakshatra 06:43 - 13:19 13:19 - 14:56 Virgo zodiac sign
24 May, 2021 Monday Vaishakh Shukla Trayodashi Swati Nakshatra 11:12 - 25:48 Libra zodiac sign
30 May, 2021 Sunday Vaishakh Krishna Panchami Uttarashada Nakshatra 05:24 - 16:41 Capricorn zodiac sign
31 May, 2021 Monday Vaishakh Krishna Sashti Dhanishta Nakshatra 16:01 - 25:06 Capricorn zodiac sign
Marriage Muhurat 2021 for June
Date Day Month -Tithi Nakshatra Duration Moon Sign
5 June, 2021 Saturday Vaishakh Krishna Ekadashi Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra 05:23 - 22:39 24:15 - 27:34 Pisces - Aries zodiac sign
6 June, 2021 Sunday Vaishakh Krishna Dwadashi Ashwini Nakshatra 05:23 - 26:27 Aries zodiac sign
19 June, 2021 Saturday Jyestha Shukla Navami Hasta - Chitra Nakshatra 05:24 - 20:28 20:28 - 24:04 Virgo zodiac sign
24 June, 2021 Thursday Jyestha Purnima Mool Nakshatra 14:32 - 26:15 Sagittarius zodiac sign
25 June, 2021 Friday Jyeshtha Krishna Pratipada Mool Nakshatra 05:25 - 06:40 Sagittarius zodiac sign
26 June, 2021 Saturday Jyeshtha Krishna Dwitiya Dwitiya Uttarashada Nakshatra 18:43 - 19:18 Capricorn zodiac sign
27 June, 2021 Sunday Jyeshtha Krishna Tritiya Dhanishta Nakshatra 25:21 - 27:00 Capricorn zodiac sign
28 June, 2021 Monday Jyeshtha Krishna Chaturthi Dhanishta Nakshatra 05:26 - 24:48 Capricorn - Aquarius zodiac sign
Marriage Muhurat 2021 for July
Date Day Month -Tithi Nakshatra Duration Moon Sign
01 July, 2021 Thursday Jyeshtha Krishna Saptami Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 05:27 - 27:49 Pisces zodiac sign
02 July, 2021 Friday Jyeshtha Krishna Ashtami Revati Nakshatra 05:27 - 10:52 13:16 - 29:25 Pisces zodiac sign
03 July, 2021 Saturday Jyeshtha Krishna Navami Ashwini Nakshatra 07:01 - 17:31 Aries zodiac sign
04 July, 2021 Sunday Jyeshtha Krishna Dashami Ashwini Nakshatra 05:28 - 06:41 Aries zodiac sign
06 July, 2021 Tuesday Jyeshtha Krishna Dwadashi Rohini Nakshatra 16:59 - 25:03 Taurus zodiac sign
17 July, 2021 Saturday Ashad Shukla Ashtami Chitra Nakshatra 15:40 - 18:03 Libra zodiac sign
Muhurat Dates From 21 July Till 12 November 2021 Come Under The Devshayan Period. Hence, It Won't Be Applicable In Northern India.
21 July, 2021 Wednesday Ashad Shukla Dwadashi Mool Nakshatra 19:18 - 29:27 Sagittarius zodiac sign
23 July, 2021 Friday Ashad Shukla Chaturdashi Uttarashada Nakshatra 21:23 - 29:38 Capricorn zodiac sign
24 July, 2021 Saturday Ashad Purnima Uttarashada Nakshatra 05:38 - 12:40 Capricorn zodiac sign
25 July, 2021 Sunday Ashad Krishna Pratipada Dhanishta Nakshatra 11:17 - 29:39 Capricorn - Aquarius zodiac sign
26 July, 2021 Monday Ashad Krishna Twitiya Dhanishta Nakshatra 05:39 - 10:26 Aquarius zodiac sign
28 July, 2021 Wednesday Ashad Krishna Panchami Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 10:45 - 29:41 Pisces zodiac sign
29 July, 2021 Thursday Ashad Krishna Sashti Uttara Bhadrapada - Revati Nakshatra 05:41 - 12:02 12:02 - 27:55 Pisces zodiac sign
30 July, 2021 Friday Ashad Krishna Saptami Ashwni Nakshatra 16:43 - 20:18 22:18 - 27:16 Aries zodiac sign
31 July, 2021 Saturday Ashad Krishna Ashtami Ashwini Nakshatra 09:56 - 16:37 Aries zodiac sign
Marriage Muhurat 2021 for August
Date Day Month -Tithi Nakshatra Duration Moon Sign
02 August, 2021 Monday Ashad Krishna Navami Rohini Nakshatra 22:43 - 23:45 Taurus zodiac sign
03 August, 2021 Tuesday Ashad Krishna Dashami Rohini - Mrigasira Nakshatra 13:00 - 24:05 27:41 - 29:44 Taurus zodiac sign
04 August, 2021 Wednesday Ashad Krishna Ekadashi Mrigasira Nakshatra 05:44 - 28:25 Taurus- Gemini zodiac sign
11 August, 2021 Wednesday Shravan Shukla Tritiya Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 09:32 - 28:11 Leo - Virgo zodiac sign
12 August, 2021 Thursday Shravan Shukla Chaturthi Hasta Nakshatra 15:25 - 29:49 Virgo zodiac sign
13 August, 2021 Friday Shravan Shukla Panchami Hast - Chitra Nakshatra 05:49 - 07:59 07:59 - 29:50 Virgo - Libra zodiac sign
14 August, 2021 Saturday Shravan Shukla Sashti Chitra- Swati Nakshatra 05:50 - 06:56 06:56 - 23:20 Libra zodiac sign
19 August, 2021 Thursday Shravan Shukla Dwadashi Uttarashada Nakshatra 22:42 - 29:53 Sagittarius - Capricorn zodiac sign
20 August, 2021 Friday Shravan Shukla Trayodashi Uttarashada Nakshatra 05:53 - 21:24 Capricorn zodiac sign
22 August, 2021 Sunday Shravan Purnima Dhanishta Nakshatra 06:13 - 10:33 12:57 - 19:39 Capricorn - Aquarius zodiac sign
24 August, 2021 Tuesday Shravan Krishna Dwitiya Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 19:47 - 28:07 Pisces zodiac sign
25 August, 2021 Wednesday Shravan Krishna Tritiya Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 16:19 - 20:48 Pisces zodiac sign
30 August, 2021 Monday Shravan Krishna Ashtami Rohini Nakshatra 06:39 - 29:59 Taurus zodiac sign
31 August, 2021 Tuesday Shravan Krishna Navami Rohini - Mrigasira Nakshatra 05:59 - 08:48 10:00 - 29:59 Taurus - Gemini zodiac sign
Marriage Muhurat 2021 for September
Date Day Month -Tithi Nakshatra Duration Moon Sign
01 September, 2021 Wednesday Shravan Krishna Dashamo Mrigasira Nakshatra 05:59 - 12:34 Gemini zodiac sign
07 September, 2021 Tuesday Shravan Amavasya Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 28:37 - 30:03 Virgo zodiac sign
08 September, 2021 Wednesday Bhadra Shukla Dwitiya Uttara Phalguni - Hasta Nakshatra 06:03 -15:55 15:55 - 30:03 Virgo zodiac sign
09 September, 2021 Thursday Bhadra Shukla Tritiya Hasta - Chitra Nakshatra 06:03 - 14:31 14:31 - 19:02 22:43 - 30:04 Virgo zodiac sign
10 September, 2021 Friday Bhadra Shukla Chaturthi Chitra - Swati Nakshatra 06:04 - 11:09 21:58 - 30:04 Libra zodiac sign
11 September, 2021 Saturday Bhadra Shukla Panchami Swati Nakshatra 06:04 - 11:22 Libra zodiac sign
14 September, 2021 Tuesday Bhadra Shukla Ashtami Mool Nakshatra 07:52 - 23:58 Sagittarius zodiac sign
18 September, 2021 Saturday Bhadra Shukla Dwadashi Dhanishta Nakshatra 26:26 - 27:21 Aquarius zodiac sign
Marriage Muhurat 2021 for October
Date Day Month -Tithi Nakshatra Duration Moon Sign
07 October, 2021 Thursday Ashwin Shukla Pratipada Swati Nakshatra 26:51 - 27:21 Libra zodiac sign
08 October, 2021 Friday Ashwin Shukla Dwitiya Swati Nakshatra 06:18 - 18:59 Libra zodiac sign
11 October, 2021 Monday Ashwin Shukla Sashti Mool Nakshatra 13:43 - 30:20 Sagittarius zodiac sign
12 October, 2021 Tuesday Ashwin Shukla Saptami Mool - Purvashada Nakshatra 06:20 - 08:50 11:14 - 11:26 - 11:26 Sagittarius zodiac sign
13 October, 2021 Wednesday Ashwin Shukla Ashtami Uttarashada Nakshatra 10:19 - 30:22 Sagittarius - Capricorn zodiac sign
14 October, 2021 Thursday Ashwin Shukla Navami Uttarashada Nakshatra 06:22 - 09:35 Capricorn zodiac sign
18 October, 2021 Monday Ashwin Shukla Trayodashi Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 10:49 - 13:23 Pisces zodiac sign
19 October, 2021 Tuesday Ashwin Shukla Chaturthi Revati Nakshatra 13:34 - 19:03 Pisces zodiac sign
20 October, 2021 Wednesday Ashwin Purnima Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra 07:41 - 13:14 14:50 - 20:39 21:51 - 30:26 Pisces - Aries zodiac sign
21 October, 2021 Thursday Ashwin Krishna Patipada Ashwini Nakshatra 06:26 - 16:17 Aries zodiac sign
23 October, 2021 Saturday Ashwin Krishna Tritiya Rohini Nakshatra 27:02 - 30:28 Taurus zodiac sign
24 October, 2021 Sunday Ashwin Krishna Chaturthi Rohini Nakshatra 06:28 - 23:33 Taurus zodiac sign
25 October, 2021 Monday Ashwin Krishna Panchami Mrigashira Nakshatra 12:05 - 28:10 Taurus - Gemini zodiac sign

Lagna Nakshatra Importance Meaning

Marriage Muhurat 2021 for November
Date Day Month -Tithi Nakshatra Duration Moon Sign
01 November , 2021 Monday Ashwin Krishna Ekadashi Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 12:52 - 21:04 Leo - Virgo zodiac sign
07 November , 2021 Sunday Kartik Shukla Triyita Mool Nakshatra 21:52 - 26:47 Sagittarius zodiac sign
08 November , 2021 Monday Kartik Shukla Chaturthi Mool Nakshatra 13:17 - 18:49 Sagittarius zodiac sign
11 November , 2021 Thursday Kartik Shukla Saptami Dhanishta Nakshatra 18:16 - 28:06 Capricorn Zodiac sign
12 November , 2021 Friday Kartik Shukla Navami Dhanishta Nakshatra 09:08 - 14:53 Aquarius zodiac sign
Devshayani Ekadashi Ends
28 November , 2021 Sunday Kartik Krishna Navami Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 22:05 - 30:55 Leo - Virgo zodiac sign
29 November , 2021 Monday Kartik Krishna Dashami Uttara Phalguni - Hasta Nakshatra 06:55 - 16:58 28:14 - 30:56 Virgo zodiac sign
30 November , 2021 Tuesday Kartik Krishna Ekadashi Hasta - Chitra Nakshatra 06:56 - 20:34 20:34 - 30:57 Virgo zodiac sign
Marriage Muhurat 2021 for December
Date Day Month -Tithi Nakshatra Duration Moon Sign
01 December, 2021 Wednesday Kartik Krishna Dwadashi Chitra - Swati Nakshatra 06:57 - 19:35 19:35 - 23:36 Virgo - Libra zodiac sign
06 December, 2021 Monday Margashirsha Shukla Tritiya Uttarashada Nakshatra 26:19 - 31:01 Sagittarius zodiac sign
07 December, 2021 Tuesday Margashirsha Shukla Chaturthi Uttarashada Nakshatra 07:01 - 13:02 23:41 - 24:11 Sagittarius - Capricorn zodiac sign
08 December, 2021 Wednesday Margashirsha Shukla Panchami Dhanishta Nakshatra 22:40 - 31:03 Capricorn zodiac sign
09 December, 2021 Thursday Margashirsha Shukla Dhanishta Nakshatra 07:03 - 21:51 Capricorn - Aquarius zodiac sign
11 December, 2021 Saturday Margashirsha Shukla Ashtami Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 22:32 - 30:02 Pisces zodiac sign
12 December, 2021 Sunday Margashirsha Shukla Navami Revati Nakshatra 29:45 - 31:05 Pisces zodiac sign
13 December, 2021 Monday Margashirsha Shukla Dashami Revati - Ashtami Nakshatra 07:05 - 25:17 26:53 - 28:32 Pisces -Aries zodiac sign

Marriage Muhurat 2021 : Importance of the Shubh/Auspicious Muhurat

The list given above contains all the details associated with Marriage Muhurat 2021 and also the auspicious Tithis in a very clear cut manner. There is a special importance of these Marriage ceremony dates 2021, because it is considered auspicious to conduct any sacred ceremony in accordance with a Shubh Muhurat which is calculated with the help of Panchang. It has now become the norm to conduct the ceremony according to the Panchang.

Lagna Nakshatra Importance Characteristics

Ever since the time of the Puranas and even in the modern world today, marriage, according to the Sanatan Dharma is considered to be a holy ceremony which not unites two souls, but two families as well. They get into a holy matrimony in accordance with the Shubh Muhurat. Hence, this bond not only remains valid for this birth but the upcoming six births of a native. During the ceremony, the bride and the groom circumambulate around the fire seven times so as to make their marital life a happy and successful one. They also exchange vows. The seven rounds taken around the fire ensures that the relationship will last for seven births and because of this, it is necessary to to conduct the seven pheras(holy rounds of the fire) in accordance with a Shubh or auspicious Muhurat. The auspicious time selected for this ceremony is known as Marriage or Vivah muhurt. In simple words, it can be said that the time period taken out with the help of Vedic panchang in order to complete a marriage ceremony can be said the marriage or Vivah muhurat.

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How is Marriage Muhurat 2021 Calculated?


In the realm of astrology the seventh house, present in one's Kundli who is known as the house of marriage. In such a situation more and more attention is paid to this house while drawing out the shop more from the vedic Panchang. Once The Astrologer is done with gun Milan from the Kundali of the respective bride and groom their birth signs are taken into account to take out the auspicious day and Nakshatra for the commemoration of the marriage ceremony this is how the Vivah muhurt is calculated.

Usually, all the planetary positions as well as that of Nakshatras are taken into account for the Shubh Muhurat calculations for a marriage ceremony. Let us take a look at it.

  • Rage anarchy edition download. While drawing out the Marriage Muhurat, it is analyzed that Moon was in which Nakshatra during the birth of both the bride as well as the groom.

  • After the Nakshatra is calculated, the letter falling in the phase of that Nakshatra is used to find the auspicious date for the marriage auspicious time.

  • While drawing out the auspicious marriage Muhurat, the same date is used for the ceremony from the zodiac signs of both the bride and groom.

Marriage Muhurat 2021: Importance of Lagna

The term ‘Lagna' with regards to marriage ceremony stands for the time period when the Pheras( the holy seven rounds of the fire) are taken and the rites followed during that time. The Lagna is also scheduled to take place during an auspicious Muhurat which is usually decided upon, once the dates for the marriage ceremony are selected. There is a great importance of this ceremony in the domain of Hindu religion and culture. It is also believed that if any discrepancies arise while calculating the Lagna, then its negative impacts can be seen in the lives of the newly married couples. Mistakes committed with regards to the Lagna are considered to be some of the major Doshas. The 13th of all the holy Sanskars is the marriage or Vivah Sanskar and the auspicious Muhurat is considered to be its physical body, Moon sign to be its mind, Nakshatra to be the body parts and finally, Lagna to be the soul of this ceremony. This proves that a marriage ceremony is incomplete without a Shubh or auspicious Lagna. Hence, there is a grave importance of Lagna when it comes to marriage, the holy union of two people.

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Things to Keep in Mind while Calculating Shubh Muhurat 2021

  • The Kundlis or the respective horoscopes of the bride and the groom are matched and the date which is drawn out is selected to commemorate the Shubh Vivah or the marriage ceremony.

  • While drawing the Shubh Muhurat, it should be kept in mind that the Lagna of the bride and the groom or their ascendant of the eighth zodiac from their birth sign, neither of them should be present in the Vivah Lagna.

  • The Ashtamesh or the eighth house's ruling lord of both the bride and groom's Kundli should not be located in the Vivah Lagna.

  • Saturn should not be located from the twelfth and Mars should not be located from the tenth house from the Vivah Lagna.

  • While making the calculations, it should also be noted that Venus should not be located in the 3rd house from the Ascendant/Lagna and the same house should also not be resided by any malefic planet. Vector magic crack 2019 download.

  • If the bride or the groom happens to be the eldest child in the family, then the marriage ceremony should not be conducted during his/her birth month, birth Nakshatra, birth Lagna, birth Tithi/date as it is considered to be inauspicious. However, the second eldest male child in the family is free to get married during his birth month, birth Nakshatra, birth Lagna, birth Tithi/date and it is considered auspicious too.

  • The siblings of both the bride and groom should not get married within a duration of six months after their marriage ceremony is commemorated successfully.

  • If the Vivah Sanskar has taken place in the family, then other auspicious Sanskar ceremonies like Mundan Sanskar, Janeu Sanskar, Housewarming ceremony should not be conducted for another six months after the vivah or marriage has taken place.

  • Marriage ceremonies are generally not conducted during Chaturmas according to the Panchang, because as per the beliefs that all the deities including Lord Vishnu do not remain awake in this time duration and any auspicious task, rite or ritual is forbidden to be carried out in this time period.

We hope that this write up on Marriage Muhurat 2021 proves to be useful for you. We wish for your joyous future. Thankyou for connecting with us!!

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